The catenary, the heart of railway, requires attention, care and frequent adjustments to meet the desired performances of our clients. Whether it is for routine inspection, planned maintenance, swift repair work or even construction jobs, our range of railway units fits all purposes. From rail-road truck to platforms on rolling stock to the most versatile rail-road-self-propelled units, there is always a way to the catenary. Available for standard and wide track gauge, France Elevateur is delivering the ultimate access to catenary.

Model Working height (m) Total outreach (m) Number of baskets Basket load capacity (kg) Turret rotation ° Number of outriggers Max. speed from deck (Km/h)
102 TM 11 0 1 265 400 4 -
132 TM 13 0 1 265 400 4 -
4AXES LORRY 9 3 2 120-265 0 0 30
VORAXE LORRY 12 6 2 265 105 0 20
Fig. 16 (PO2 Platform)-resized

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